29 March 2010

childe of destruction.

"Where are the faith and devotion to my own kind? Where is the ultimate Love the legends spoke about? Is it only a trick of our mind?" he asked from the moon, but as always there was no answer. "Or am I the only Traitor?"

ily bub.

27 March 2010


you gotta swim.
swim for your life.

swim for the music that saves you
when your not so sure you'll survive.

you gotta swim
swim when it hurts.

the whole world is watching,
you havn't come this far to fall off the earth.
keep your head above

past ages.

What do babies dream about when they’re too young to remember?

Before we have memory, before we know what this world is, we dream.

Babies dream of what came before, of universes that are no longer there.

Babies dream of dead worlds.

ily bub.

16 March 2010


I’ve always known where I’ve come from. And finally now, I know where I’m going.

ily bub.


  1. Sometimes I whisper in the darkness, hoping someone can give something back to me.

ily bub. 


    You are here, you are real, you are the now.
    I just need you to understand, that I’m not.

    ily bub.

    starlight starbright. stars all gone.

    When you look at the stars, you’re seeing the past. The stars are our lives, our past, our future. They watch over us, those who listen that is.

    ily bub.

    August Rush.

    And they started to play music again. As they thought that maybe they would all be able to hear each other, through their music. They had lost each other you see, the three of them. The mother, the father and the child, I mean. They never knew each other, they never knew they had a child, he never knew his parents. Eleven years and sixteen days, he had been counting. Counting the music that flows around us and with us. The music that is us.

    ily bub.

    8 March 2010

    peace and love.

    i thought these were pretty cool :)

    like my owl?

    ily bub.


    i lol at these really.
    my auntie dropped vegies off for us :S
    i dont think i'll ever eat them
    but i think the my bro and sis will have fun with them :)
    but theres 5..


    ily bubs.

    6 March 2010


    I love melbourne. i really do :)
    i wonder how they're doing in woop woop...
    and i can cozy up with a great book :D

    ily bub.