31 July 2010

i cried when you told me.

i've got no one standing by my side anymore..

i miss hannah frazer already and she hasnt even left.
so far i've got 2 presents for her.

  1. a book and cd on classical music (which i think she likes ^o)
  2. a notebook filled with reasons why i love her
  3. and im buying the tomorrow
  4. and i wrote her a song on guitar :D
so thats kind of 3 at the moment :)

im going to feel like shit once she leaves,
she's one of the people im closest to,
and once she leaves...
more than you know.
ily bub.

30 July 2010


I sit here and count the passing hours

And match them up to every single time
That you yelled out I love you from so far
Cause you knew the declaration made me smile

ily bub.


i put down four kings.
three times.
they didn't look twice at me.
is my life such a lie?

can someone please tell me this is all bullshit?


ily bub.


no way am i going to pass up some amazing opportunity to kill myself creatively,
ily bub.

29 July 2010

you'll never know but.

i am at a loss of words.
whatever happens, can you promise not to leave me?
can you promise to stick through until the end?
even if that may just be tomorrow?


ily bub.

28 July 2010

lost promises.

"I held you tight to me
You slipped away
You promised to return to me
And I believed
I believed"

can i give up yet?

ily bub.

red sun rising.

"After the night he died
I wept my tears until they dried
But the pain stayed the same
I didn't want him to die all in vain
I made a promise to revenge his soul in time
I'll make them bleed down at my feet"

And then maybe I'll do the same.

ily bub.


so the other night i had a dream and i got together with max chapel and made out with him...

i am now really scared...

- excluding max....
ily bub.


i stare in mirrors a lot.
i stare into glass windows and muddy puddles.
hoping to see myself,
because then, then i know that i'm real.
and that i'm still here.
and that people can still hear me.
so why can't i scream any louder?
not so much but.
ily bub.

obsessive foh disorder.

well someone's a tad obsessed.
ily bub.

really. yeah.

i wish i had this cute litle lion.

that would pop up in my msn chat when i said


ily bub.

seriously guys.

rawr so really.
if you dont care. dont listen.
unless you're actually my friend and in that case.
you've gotta listen.

basic rules.

ily bub.


why are you, you?

ily bub.

22 July 2010


I wanna scream I love you from the top of my lungs, but I'm afraid that someone else will hear me.

and then..

ily bub.


ily bub.


mai (me): joyceee! im soo sorry *kisses joyce*
joyce: i dont want your kisses.

ooh harsh!
love that girl though

ily bub.


Georgie: umm. mai?

bahaha love you <3

ily bub.

12 July 2010

but would you ever.

i missed my wish.

or i through them all away on the same few people.

and things never change.

im still believing.

one day.


ily bub.

forgotten memories.

im going to catch a wish, even if that means that i have to go to star cafe and steal a lol and open it to catch tinkerbell.

ily bub.

11 July 2010

but help me.

If you want a better world – get busy in your own little corner.
ily bub.

like a concussion.

The darkness is not something one should fear, it is what is within that darkness we must understand.

ily bub.


I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
ily bub.