22 August 2011

if i don't get their first.

okay. this . was . amazing .
i mean - really, gosh. i watched all the dance stages that were posted, but this one was the best i reckon!
Hoya and Dongwoo's opening was pretty good. And his smiles were really cute throughout - though he's not that good looking.
But then they did that bit near the end with the hand choreography but with each other! and i was like. WAIT! WHAT WAS THAT?
and rewound it - and played it - and rewound it - and played it - and rewound it again
it was epic.
i mean, it's like rubbing your tummy and patting your head - but so much harder!
it's so cool so cool so cool
at first, before i clicked the play button i was like. oh. they're dressed like Beast did in the 2010 MBC Dance Battle (it was just a white tshirt and blue jeans) - so automatically i was already judging them..
i didn't really mean to -
i guess, when they do this type of style it really reminds me of beast - but their music is a bit different

well yeah.
havent updated for a while-

school is killing me slowly.
save me?

ily bub.

19 May 2011

love like.

In Korea, young couples write their love on a lock and then throw away the key.
With the keys thrown away, it is meant to ensure that the sweethearts’ vows to never separate are kept.

i want to do this someday.

ily bub.

“from the time we were children, we dreamed those dreams inside us. one step at a time, still one step at a time we’ll support each other. smiling, crying, hurting. together we’ll walk towards that same colorful dream.

ily bub.

16 May 2011

bear with me a while longer.

i like it when people have the same interests as me.

or at least pretend to.

ily bub.

5 May 2011


It's come to the time where people start thinking about their future.
Nearly halfway through year 10, I don't even know what my interests are.
I wanted to teach - teaching has low pay
I thought about counselling - apparently it's too depressive? according to family .
Then, through a lot of pressure from family, I've thought about being a pharmacist.

Question: What does a pharmacist do?

so, my mission for today. or tomorrow. or whenever i'm bothered to do it - Go to the local pharmacist and ask for work experience.

i told myself to do  this last week..
in a world like this... i just kind of want to get famous and rich without really having to do anything

ily bub.

27 April 2011

three hours is okay. right? yeah.

so um - spent some time working on this

U-KISS 0330 piano sheet music - it's not exactly perfect -
but the sheet that i had before this - none of the notes had stems which made it really hard to figure out how long each not was supposed to go - and it wasnt even the whole song
- but it was okay because it got me started

okay so - i made a mistake and wrote verse above the chorus and chorus above the verse... oops

um. yeah. i put a water mark on it - i feel bad for doing so . but. yeah.

i couldn't be stuffed setting out the song properly
so - i just have the different melodies with an order written on the
                                                              side.. i hope thats okay..
its the lazy way :)

Download Here

ily bub.