15 November 2013

going to try that thing called commitment.

If I can, I'd like to start updating this regularly and so on about my life and thoughts of life and all the crazy shit that happens in the world.
But I'm kind of really bad with commitment and don't exactly have an interesting life. So.
I'll try.

On another note, read back through all my posts - deleted a couple but left the majority even though everything is very cringe worthy and obsessive and ohmygod.
So what I learnt about myself through rereading my old posts?:

  1. I was obsessive. about certain things which you can read though I'd rather people didn't but I'm leaving it there because it influenced who I am today.
  2. I've lost a lot of friends
  3. I thought I was cool but I knew I wasn't? I was trying to be cool? I had identity issues. 
On the last note, graduated from High School!!! freedom~


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