13 August 2014

Behind From The Start

So we're into the third week of uni and pretty much on the first day of lectures I dropped behind T.T
It's like I've come back from the midyear break with even worst study habits - I've changed the way I'm taking notes (which I'm happy about) but it takes me like 2.5 x time of actual lecture to get through a recorded lecture.

I've still got to finish up the New Zealand Skiing series and right now im sick sick sick :( I'm typing this up at uni, on a day where I don't have any classes but a meeting at 5 for the Open Day this Sunday for the Parkville Monash campus. And then at 6 I'll head over to this conference? thing about volunteering work and career pathways (finger food provided and bar tab)

I'm dying my hair on again on Friday - which reminds me, I still haven't done a hair post at all. And then next Friday I've got my oral presentation (which I have yet to start) and my brother's 21st (are speeches mandatory as the next sibling?). And the Friday after that is the campus ball. aigoo (got to convince parents to let me stay at a hotel overnight)

much to do, wish me luck!


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